Ripe pumpkin growing on the vine
Image by Shirley Brown

Pumpkin in field


4-H Giant Pumpkin Contest Registration Deadline

  • Monday, June 30, 2025, 11:45 PM - 11:45 PM

Think that you can grow the biggest pumpkin? 4-H of Cayuga County would like to see you try! Youth under 18 years of age (4-H members and non-members) are invited to register now to join this contest to grow the biggest pumpkin. Weigh-in will be on Saturday, October 18, 2025 from 12:00-2:00pm (weigh in is promptly at 1:00pm) at the Ward O'Hara Agricultural Museum in Auburn.  A winner will be named for heaviest pumpkin. Prizes to be determined.

Please complete one registration for each participant. Registration fee includes 10 Big Moose variety seeds. Payment can be made by PayPal or in the office. Seeds may be picked up in the office, 248 Grant Avenue in Auburn, after registration fees are paid. If picking up seeds in office is a hardship please email Frank Clarke at about other arrangements.

Contest Rules:

  1. Participants must be under the age of 18 as of January 1, 2025.
  2. One pumpkin per participant may be entered in the contest.
  3. Pumpkins entered in the contest must be Big Moose variety. They do not need to be grown from the seeds provided with the registration fee.
  4. Participants must provide the majority of the care for the pumpkin plant.
  5. Participants must make the majority of the decisions about plant care.
  6. Fertilizers and pesticides must be used safely, appropriately, and according to label directions.
  7. Participants should be ready to describe how the plant was cared for and why to the judges at the event.
  8. Participants are responsible for transporting pumpkins to the event.
  9. Pumpkins should be free of excess plant material and dirt.
  10. Circumference will be measured at the largest point.
  11. Judges decisions are final.

Important Dates:

  • Registration Deadline: Sunday, June 30, 2025
  • Pumpkin Weigh-in: Saturday, October 18, 2025 at Ward W. O'Hara Agricultural Museum, Auburn NY

Growing Information:

Here's a Fact Sheet on Growing Giant Pumpkins compiled by Frank Clarke.

QR Code for Registration

or use the url linked below



$5 for 4-H members, $10 for non-4=H Members

Learn More



Frank Clarke
Agriculture Educator (Climate and Environment)
Cell: (516) 532-4039


CCE Cayuga County
248 Grant Avenue
Auburn, New York 13021

Last updated March 3, 2025