corn silk clipped by western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera)
Image by Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,

Western Corn Rootworm


Biological Control of Corn Rootworm

  • Thursday, January 25, 2024, 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Join us for this special edition of Cayuga County CCE Shop Meetings, the topic will be “Are Persistent Biocontrol Nematodes an economic benefit for your farm?” with Mike Hunter, Field Crops, CCE North Country Regional Ag Team and Tony Testa, Persistent BioControl.

Biocontrol nematodes are microscopic round worms in the soil which only attack insects in the soil or on the soil surface. The New York native persistent nematodes attack Corn Rootworm in corn, Wireworm in wheat, Black vine weevil in hops and Grape rootworm in grapes.

Not only are the biocontrol nematodes completely compatible with all the Bt-RW traits, killing the Bt toxin survivors, but in NY, the biocontrol nematodes appear to be capable of being used alone if the farmer chooses to grow non-Bt-RW traited corn.

  • Learn how they work, how to apply and timing.
  • Look the at research done at Musgrave Research Farm in Aurora.
  • The solution is scalable, easy to apply, and affordable for farmers.
  • Find out where you can get Biocontrol Nematodes which are adapted to NY and will persist across growing seasons.

Bring your camp chairs and come on out! FREE! Cornell Cooperative Extension supplies coffee and donuts. No registration needed Questions or directions, contact Ron Kuck, 315-704-8810,




Ronald Kuck
Agriculture Program Educator
(315) 704-8810 cell & text


Kyle Farms/ Preferred Grain Systems
12394 Bradt Road
Cato, New York 13033

Last updated December 14, 2023