4-H Dog Obedience


4-H Dog Obedience

  • Thursday, April 17, 2025, 5:00 PM - 6:45 PM

4-H DOG OBEDIENCE Course 2025

This 12-week course is designed to introduce 4-H members to Dog Obedience & Rally Training using positive reinforcement training techniques. Participants and their dogs will meet weekly in a group setting with ABC Certified Dog Trainer, Beth Pysnack at her training facility inside the Finger Lakes Mall in Auburn. However, the majority of the training is expected to take place at home where youth practice these skills with their pups every day.

More information and resources, including our Cayuga County 4-H Dog Obedience Guide can be found at https://ccecayuga.org/resources/cayuga-county-4-h-dog-obedience-guide.

Meet & Greet
Before the course starts, new participants and their dogs are required to attend a “Meet & Greet” Session on Thursday, April 17th starting at 5 pm. Each participant will be scheduled for their own 15 minute session. Your dog will be evaluated and to get fitted for a leash and collar. If you need a leash and slip collar you will be responsible for this additional cost. Plan on about fifteen dollars ($15) total for these 2 items.

Participants will be divided into appropriate class-levels based on age and experience. Beginners are 4-Hers who have not completed any 4-H dog obedience classes. Advanced participants will have successfully completed at least one 4-H dog obedience course.

Dogs must be at least 6 months of age and controllable in order to be used in dog obedience classes. This will be determined at the discretion of the instructor and/or 4-H Educator.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These classes are designed as a youth development experience for children, not as a place just to get your dog trained. Dogs need to be controlled by the youth not their parents or other adults.

Classes will be held Thursdays beginning April 24th until July 17th. Please note class will not be held on June 12th.
Beginner Level: 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm
Advanced Level: 6:00 pm –6:45 pm

Classes are held at Bark by Beth in the Finger Lakes Mall. The training facility is located across from the Bingo hall and is covered by large purple curtains. You enter through the back door via the service hallway.
Please bring high value training treats to motivate your pup. Water and cleanup bags are also a good idea to travel with. Participants should be prepared to clean up after their dog if necessary, especially if walking in the mall.
Per NYS 4-H dog policy, a parent or guardian attend and stay for all classes, regardless of the youth’s age.

Youth are required to attend all dog obedience classes, unless there is a family emergency or illness. As such, if a youth misses more than 3 classes, they will not be eligible to graduate from the course.
After months of working with their dogs in obedience training, participants with put their proficiency to a test at a 4-H Dog Show (date and location TBD). Top scorers at the county level will be chosen to represent at the NYS 4-H Dog Show in Syracuse.

Cost of the course is $20 for 4-H members and $40 for non-members. Non-members will automatically be enrolled in the Cayuga County 4-H Program.
Payment is due by April 17th at the Meet & Greet. Check or cash can be brought to the 4-H office at 248 Grant Ave or can be paid by card on PayPal.

NYS 4-H Dog Policy
Participants must provide a COPY of current Rabies vaccination before the Meet & Greet. Copy may be physical or digital.
-Acceptable proof of Rabies vaccination is a rabies certificate or a copy of the dog license that contains the rabies vaccination information.
- Acceptable proof of Rabies vaccination must include the signature of the veterinarian, the name of the product used, the date of administration and the duration of immunity.

Any aggressive dog(s) will not be allowed to participate in the program and will be asked to leave class immediately.

A dog in season (in “heat”) must not be brought to 4-H events including Dog Obedience classes, the Cayuga County 4-H Youth Fair or the NYS Dog Show.

FOR QUESTIONS Please Call: Cornell Cooperative Extension Cayuga County, 315-255-1183 or Email Sara Wagner at smw352@cornell.edu

If you are a person with a disability and require any auxiliary aids, services or other for a program, contact us as soon as possible, please.


$20.00 for enrolled 4-Hers, $40.00 for unenrolled youth


Sara Wagner
4-H Program Lead
(315) 255-1183

Last updated March 4, 2025