Wild Columbine

Wild Columbine is a plant species native to the NY Finger Lakes

Native Plants

The  Finger Lakes Native Plant Society has a list of native plants they consider garden worthy. It includes Native Plants Suitable for Wildflower Gardens & Meadows or Traditional Gardens in the NY Finger Lakes

Please use this list as a starting point. Native plants often have very specific cultural requirements and success in growing them often depends on reproducing the native habitat. Many references can provide more information on the type of soil, etc. that would be best for a given species. Many of these plants are not available in standard nurseries, but are readily propagated from seed. FLNPS has a members' seed exchange, and can provide information on propagation. Please see the note on collecting under "Status" below.

Abbreviations & Codes Used in Table:

Cultural Needs: Moisture- Wet, Mesic/Moist/Regular garden conditions or Dry; Light- Sun, part Sun, p Shade, Shade; Soil requirements (only strong preference noted) - Humus-rich woodland, Sandy, Rocky/stony; pH preference (only strong preference noted)- Acidic, Neutral or Lime loving.

Status: NY State or Finger Lakes population status - not necessarily legal status. "Exploitably vulnerable" plants are not indicated if populations are OK in the Finger Lakes. (This status includes nearly all ferns and orchids, and prohibits collection.) Please review legal status and observe all guidelines for ethical, sustainable harvest prior to collecting any seed/spores from the wild. Never collect/dig entire plants.

Bloom time: Mar/Early April=E Spring through Nov=L Fall

Codes: *=particularly recommended for gardens, F=showy fruit, T=used in traditional 19th Century gardens (does not equate with easy to grow)

Last updated October 18, 2022