4-H members are selected for county 4-H award trips based on achievement and merit. A volunteer selection committee determines award trip winners after reviewing applications submitted by Junior and Senior 4-H members. Section criteria are based upon evidence of achievement in project work, leadership practiced at club and county levels, citizenship practiced in the local community, participation in ongoing 4-H educational events and activities, and appreciation of the educational and social benefits of the 4-H experience. Depending on the particular trip, there is little or no cost to the 4-H member selected to participate on a 4-H award trip. All 4-H award trips are chaperoned by the 4-H staff and/or carefully selected adult 4-H volunteers, including parents.
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is a six-day intensive summer citizenship program for youth aged 14-18. CWF delegates learn about the democratic process and their role as citizens while they experience our nation’s capital. Get the inside scoop about how the government really works from prominent guest speakers. College-age program fellows lead bill writing workshops, a national issues forum and mock elections, and congressional sessions that prepare you for leadership now and in the future. CWF is a civic education and leadership program organized by the National 4-H Council every summer for high school youth. Since 1963, CWF has provided leadership opportunities for 4-Hers to experience the nation’s capital and governmental processes firsthand. 4-H delegates from across the country broaden their appreciation and respect for themselves and others in the world through civic workshops, committees, field trips, and social events. Participants learn and practice skills intended to make them better citizens and successful individuals.
Capital Days is a two-day annual state 4-H event held in Albany, New York. Each county in the state may send two delegates to represent their county. 4-H Capital Days has been occurring for over 70 years and continues to give youth an opportunity to achieve a better understanding of the New York public policy process and state/local government relations, meet and interact with legislators and tell their 4-H story, create an awareness of career opportunities in NYS government and network with delegates from other counties. The program includes tours of the NYS Capitol and NYS Museum, Corning Tower, department visits, and meetings with local state representatives.
For over 70 years, Cornell Cooperative Extension’s 4-H Youth Development program has conducted a three-day event for youth on the Cornell University campus. The purpose of this program, now called 4-H Career Explorations, is to provide youth with exposure to academic fields and career exploration, to develop leadership skills, to provide hands-on experience in a college setting, and to introduce them to Cornell University. 4-H Career Exploration programs allow youth to have fun while learning about science, technology, humanities, and… themselves. The event is made up of two grade-specific tracts: University U for youth entering grades 8 – 9 and Focus for Teens for youth entering grades 10 – 12.
(Ages: 14-18) The ABC trip is held in the Cobleskill, New York area and is jointly sponsored by New York State 4-H and New York State Farm Bureau and includes 4-H members from throughout the state. 4-H youth explore the great diversity of agri-business related careers available in New York. Award winners may visit such businesses as a veterinary hospital, carrot farm, tree nursery, dairy farm and border collie operation. This trip also features insights into opportunities in natural resources and the academic requirements for professional positions in the agri-business world.
(Ages 15-18) 4-H'ers spend two days in Ithaca to explore the many diverse and exciting career opportunities available in the dairy industry. Participants attend various hands-on educational workshops relating to the dairy industry.
The State Teen Action Rep Retreat is a three-day fun-filled event where 4-H teens, ages 13 – 19, participate in a variety of workshops and activities meant to challenge, excite, and further develop life skills. STARR Program is open to all NYS 4-H Teens and their adult chaperones. The event is planned by teens and adults serving on the youth/adult STARR planning committee.
Ignite brings together some of the best and brightest students to focus on STEM, agriscience, healthy living, and photography. Designed for high school students in (grades 9 – 12), the Summits provide opportunities to learn technical skills, participate in hands-on activities, workshops, and engage with nationally-recognized leaders.
Students typically attend in groups comprised of two to eight youths and are accompanied by an adult mentor/chaperone. The National Youth Summit Series aims to teach lessons students can use for the betterment of their personal lives and communities.
(For non-Cloverbud aged youth) This annual program usually takes place the first Saturday in May at Cornell, and provides youth with fun, hands-on, science-oriented learning experiences on Animal Science topics. This day of workshops is for 4-H members interested in learning more about their favorite livestock, companion or pet animal species. The emphasis on different species groupings and activities varies annually. Participants will learn about different aspects of animal care, interact and exchange information with faculty, staff, students, professional producers, industry experts, and more, utilizing the unique facilities of Cornell University.
Join youth ages 10 and up from across the state for a weekend of forestry, games, and competition. This three-day event is for youth age 10 and up (and staff and volunteers) interested in learning more about forest, and to select the NYS team that will go to the 2016 National 4-H Forestry Invitational (must be 14-19 for the national event). The Forestry weekend activities include: tree identification, tree measurements, compass usage, map reading, night hikes and more. This event is held at Camp Owahta.
Erin Humphrey
Dairy In The Classroom Educator
(315) 255-1183 Ext. 105
Last updated August 23, 2023